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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Use Surface RT Tablet To Record your iPhone Conversation

If you want to record your telephone conversation, you must tell the other party that your call is being recorded, it's a law in Australia and USA...

Remember you must let other person know you are recording the conversation. It's a law!
Nên nhớ bạn phải cho người đang nói chuyện với bạn là bạn đang thâu thanh. Đó là luật định!

Technically Apple can make a recording telephone conversation function inbuilt without costing them any extra to make an iPhone, however because of the laws mentioned above. Apple left it out for the third party to develop this function. iPadio is a free software apps for iPhone to record its conversation, the way it works is to make 3 ways conversation. You are the first party, iPadio is the second and the person you want to talk to is the third party.

To record your conversation using iPadio, firstly your phone must have a feature called "3 ways conference" provided by your carrier so that iPadio can work with, secondly you need to register your number with iPadio. Now, you make a free call to iPadio phonecast 1800 802 569, when it answered it will ask you the PIN you register with it, you will then make a second call to the third person you want to interview and then merge your 3 ways conference call. You and the third party are talking while iPadio is the second party listening into your conversation and does the recording. That is the idea how to record your Mobile phone conversation I've mentioned here.

I prefer the traditional methods to have a device that I own. It costs me less than $10 to make it. The only fee I must pay is the cost of the phone call which is obviously I know how much it's going to charge me for.

Using Laptop to record Samsung Mobile (C5220) which have USB connector for headset 
Dùng computer thâu thanh điện thoại Samsung loại USB headset

Use Surface RT Tablet To Record your iPhone Conversation 
Dùng Surface RT Tablet thâu thanh cuộc điện đàm qua iPhone. 

Using laptop to record your iPhone conversation
Dùng computer thâu thanh cuộc điện đàm qua iPhone

Simple way to record iPhone conversation
Cách đơn giản để thâu thanh cuộc điện đàm bằng iPhone

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